Project | 01 Rio Public Schools
Rio Public Schools is a small district outside of Ventura, CA serving a mixed socio-economic community with a large population of english language learners. The Superintendent John Puglisi was determined to innovate and bring the best of personalized learning to his students. We worked with Rio to implement a district wide professional learning system helping his teachers become proficient in blended and personalized learning.
Project | 02 Marymount
Marymount Barranquilla is one of the highest performing schools in Colombia, South America. Recognizing the need to transform toward 21st century learning, we developed a professional learning plan for all of the teachers to become proficient in Blended Learning. In just one year, the school has tranformed from traditional classrooms to blended classrooms.

Project | 03 Personalized Learning Symposium
In the spring of 2016, I led the Patrick Suppes Personalized Learning Symposium in partnership with Google and Stanford University. The event was a 2 day action packed adventure of 100 educators from around the country reinventing and rethinking the possibilities of learning. See more at #redbirdpls.
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Project | 01
Project | 02
Project | 03